Automation Scare

We always wish our tasks and chores to be made easier and easier. Science had helped us to a great extent in making our life comfortable and luxurious bringing in convenience. Although that is leading to less physical activity which in turn leads to numerous health and fitness issues. However no one can blame science for that. You have to blame yourself for the kind of choices you make. This is first level of automation, we can call it personal automation, which is domestic in nature and no apparent harms if you are conscious with your choices. However if an individual can choose to be comfortable and luxurious by paying extra money and buying machines for all chores then an employer can also choose the same at a different level. He would always dream of his business running without to much of interventions required, without worrying for people to show up in time and perform up to mark. He is always fade up of the spats, disputes, arguments and negotiations with his staff and st...