Passwords Passwords

Humans never had more secrets throughout their evolution than they are having now and Passwords/PINs are the reasons. From internet banking to phone password, we are carrying these secrets with us. Even one password theft can be detrimental. There used to be the time when they said, never write down your passwords, memorize them and destroy. This was possible when there used to be hardly couple of passwords, your computer login and your email login. Now that everyone on an average has about 30-40 passwords to be remembered and used, it is no more possible to follow that safety tip. And not just passwords but variety of user names too. I am very sure that everyone of us now keep the backup of passwords in one form or other. Just that you should not keep the passwords backed up on your laptop, phone or other digital device. There are two risks in doing so: Hacker Attack: Any device that connects to internet has probability of hacking attack, howsoever precautionary me...