Solutions Are Welcome!

We always have the tendency to be selective in interpreting the things so that we can create a bias which in turn help add weight-age to our opinion. It is not a good practice rather it is a kind of manipulation. Of course a knowledgeable reader will notice the bias and will not take it at face value however many people who don't give enough thought or don't have time to do that will fall for it. Let's take this quote: "Don’t come to me with problems, come with solutions." There are loads of articles mainly disagreeing with quote and trying to portray that since they disagree with the quote they are better in the leader fraternity. First of all the above statement is part of a dialogue and not a quote. This has to have a prologue and a situation. Hence no one can judge a person just because he or she uses this sentence with subordinates. We should not necessarily imagine the quote coming from a frowning manager who is trying to run away from responsibili...